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SCS are organising the inaugural Freaky Fancy Dress Friday on October 27th.
We are asking all students and staff to dress up in their spookiest Halloween costumes. There will be fantastic prizes on the day.
This will still be a regular school day with classes as normal. All costumes should be appropriate for school. For anyone who does not wish to partake, it is full school uniform.
Looking forward to seeing everyone's ghoulish costumes on the day!
Second years have been busy designing and building energy transforming devices in science as part of their Junior Cycle course. They have showed some great design and engineering skills in the process.
First years have been very busy in their first term in science in SCS. They have been building lovely 3D models of plant and animal cells.
They have also been carrying out food investigations for starch and reduced sugars.
'Cake Sail'
Congratulations to both the LRC Students and the Sailing Club for a hugely successful inaugural Cake ‘Sail’.
With their combined efforts, over €700 was raised.
A big thanks to everyone, who 'Baked'n'Bought'. Without your help events such as these aren't possible.
In the word of First Year Ryan Walsh - 'We will do it all again next year!'
STEM South West Industry & Careers EXPO 2023 will take place at City Hall, Cork on Wednesday 22nd November.
This free event will have expert speakers, amazing stands, opportunities to interact with people who work in STEM, subject choice discussions, Q&A sessions, tech and science demos, and networking opportunities.
It is aimed primarily at students who might be considering a university course in STEM and at those who aren’t sure what they would like to do and might find that STEM offers careers and opportunities they would not even have been aware of.
Students, parents, guardians can register for the free event by clicking on the link below.
Well done to our 4th years who picked up rubbish around High Street and Market Street on Monday morning.
Many thanks to Ms. Orla O’Sullivan for organising, to Jerome Dwyer from Skibbereen Tidy Towns and Cork County Council for organising the collection.
Thank you to Rachel Walshe actress and film production coordinator for speaking to our TY creative Film module students today via Zoom.
She ran through a presentation with them, giving them a great insight into how a film is produced from start to finish and has invited a few of our students to act as extras in a film being filmed locally in the near future.
A first step towards Hollywood? You’d never know!
A 4th year student group in conjunction with Skibbereen Lions Club are collecting old reading glasses.
They will be sent to third world countries where they can be used.
We would be delighted if you can donate any old glasses you no longer need.
There is a drop off box in the reception area in SCS.
The 1F French Class entry for the Leap Halloween Scarecrow festival 2023 is pictured below.
Together, with their SNA Ms. Mary Crowley-Harte & their French teacher Mr. Lynch, they made a French Scarecrow « un épouvantail » with the entry title « Oh La La! I’ve the French Bug 🐜 ».
Hard luck to our U17 soccer team who lost 4-2 to Coláiste Spiorad Naoimh today in the Munster Cup.
On Oct 5th & 6th first year students from classes 1D, 1E, 1F & 1G got a taste of French when they got to enjoy a French Breakfast « un petit déjeuner » with their French teacher Mr. Lynch.
The student council election will be held on Friday 27th October 2023.
A Microsoft form will be sent out to every year group and each year will vote for two representatives from their respective years.
Digital Drop-In workshop 2 took place on Thursday, 12th October with a total of 10 willing learners and mentors participating.
A presentation on the topic of online and telephone scams was researched and delivered by mentors who facilitated an excellent sharing of experiences of falling prey to such scams. It turns out that this happens to younger and older generations so the key message for us all is to be constantly vigilant.
An informal workshop followed, facilitated by Dr Sandra Flynn, whose PhD research focused on intergenerational and peer learning, resulting in this Digital Drop-In pilot project, that uses a ‘learner-led’ approach rather than the more popular ‘instructor-led’ approach to digital skills development. Content and learnings shared at both workshops will be transferred to a series of process steps for the learners to refer to as required in the future.
Tip of the workshop: Instead of purchasing books to read online, why not avail of the free BorrowBox facility from your local public library? This feature will be researched and presented to our participants at a future workshop.
Many thanks to Mr Anton O’Mahony for the school’s participation and graciously hosting the workshops. Thanks also to Mr Conor Uhl and Ms Orla O’Sullivan for organising.