The School Community wish to congratulate every Junior Cycle Student, their family, teachers and support staff for their fantastic Junior Cycle Results/JCSP today.

The School held a celebration in the Sports Hall where every student was presented with their Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement Folder.

Mr. Anton O Mahony, Principal congratualted them all individually and imparted wise words of advice.

Their JCPA and Junior Cycle Schools Programme folder contained their written results, their CBA results, modules and also a list of their other areas of learning over the three years which included their sporting achievements, their community participation and their outside interests and hobbies.

Staff, parents and students celebrated together with refreshments in the Canteen.

Many thanks to all those who made it such a special event especially Mr. Patrick Hayes, JC Co-ordinator, Ms. Hannah Phelan, JCSP Co-ordinator, Ms. Ellma Uí Shuillleabháín, TY Year Head, Mr. Conor Uhl TY Coordinator, Ms. Colette Brennan Music Department and all the Musicians, Ms. Mary Kelleher Fowler, Ms. Ciara Walsh and Ms. Margaret Maloney, Admin Department, the Home Ec. Department and all the BAM staff.