Digital Drop-In workshop 2 took place on Thursday, 12th October with a total of 10 willing learners and mentors participating.

A presentation on the topic of online and telephone scams was researched and delivered by mentors who facilitated an excellent sharing of experiences of falling prey to such scams. It turns out that this happens to younger and older generations so the key message for us all is to be constantly vigilant.

An informal workshop followed, facilitated by Dr Sandra Flynn, whose PhD research focused on intergenerational and peer learning, resulting in this Digital Drop-In pilot project, that uses a ‘learner-led’ approach rather than the more popular ‘instructor-led’ approach to digital skills development. Content and learnings shared at both workshops will be transferred to a series of process steps for the learners to refer to as required in the future. 

Tip of the workshop: Instead of purchasing books to read online, why not avail of the free BorrowBox facility from your local public library? This feature will be researched and presented to our participants at a future workshop.

Many thanks to Mr Anton O’Mahony for the school’s participation and graciously hosting the workshops. Thanks also to Mr Conor Uhl and Ms Orla O’Sullivan for organising.