Johann von Goethe's quote 'A really great talent finds its happiness in execution' comes to mind when I think of the high standards reached by our students in the kick catch challenge and is testament to the dedication of our gaelic football coaches in SCS and the local clubs.
The brilliant Cathal Kingston set the bar high on the very first day of the challenge with a magnificent 92 and he retained the lead right through to the final day. The Tadhg Mac Carthaigh club will be proud of his heroic effort.
In a competition dominated by Kingstons, Katie kept her consistent form going and produced a stunning 90, narrowly missing out on a share of the lead. Close contender Caoimhe Flannery once again showed her class , bringing in 80. The extraordinary dominance of these girls seems to know no limit.
Fourth and fifth positions were separated by a single point with rugby star Matthew Benn shading it from 1D's talented Ella Hayes. I am familiar with Ella's sporting genius from P.E. class and expect many great performances in the future.
Sixth to twelfth positions all went to second years. National athlete Gavin Sweetnam brought in 63, all rounder Daniel Nzunu 57 and P.E. expert William O'Donovan 54.
We had two Castlehaven stars in 8th and 9th, Orla Seymour 53 and Hannah Sheehy who got 50 despite feeling ill. That is the Haven spirit for you!
Emer Caverley picked up 10th with 49, Tara O'Regan 44 and Cathal McCarthy 42.
Such was the standard in this competition that everyone who got into the top 20 scored over 30.
Challenge 15:
'In order to see birds, it is necessary to become part of the silence', Lynd.
The bird identification project attracted both familiar and new contestants.
Among them, we welcome our youngest competitors to date, Aodhan and Lilian.
Once again, the great Katie came out on top with a huge total of 32 species identified. On this occasion, she generously acknowledged the advantage she had over others, living in a virtual Paradise for flying creatures. Plus the Kingstons provide a generous supply of food which attracts birds from far and wide.
Ferdia Dennis McAleavy's finely tuned observation skills of the birds of the Lakemarsh and his garden was evident in his detailed and often poetic description of the 26 birds he saw. This relegated me to third place with 25, despite living near a bird sanctuary in Rosscarbery.
A single bird separated fourth and fifth place and Emer Caverley's 16 gave her the slender lead.
I am delighted to see Felix Pratheesh join the action and he shared fifth place with the O'Mahony clan of Fiona, Aodhan and Lilian.
Gavin repeated his kick catch finish here with 12. Caoimhe and Daisy Griffiths came in 7th with 9. Marie O'Sullivan returned to the top ten with 8. Daniel and Emer Dennis McAleavy shared 9th place with 7 . Kate O'Donovan took the final top ten position with 6.
The 16th Challenge:
Details of this two minute solo competition kindly suggested by Caoimhe Flannery has already been sent to your teams app.
Solo and bring the ball around your waist.
A solo and circling action equals one.
Good luck everyone.