P.E. Update & 8th Challenge

While many of our students found our latest juggling challenge a little too hot to handle, others took to the challenge with relish.

Once again, Marie O'Sullivan was quickest to respond and reported her 8 second achievement to me. I gave her the task of doubling her time and she did just that.

A dazzling performance of 6 minutes, 37 seconds from the multi talented Caoimhe Flannery sees her top the pole again. Juggling three tennis balls for over six minutes shows the character of this elite athlete.

I am delighted to see a new name grab the headlines this week with Abaigh Buckley taking second place with a time of 2 minutes and 30 seconds.Abaigh worked tirelessly on improving her performance and showed how true the saying is that ' our greatest glory is not in never failing but in rising every time we fall'.

Daniel Nzunu, another student never to shirk a challenge, performed his 2 minutes, 11 seconds outside in the cold using lemons , under the watchful eye of his little sister who did the timing for him.

Second year basketball point guard Hannah Sheehy came in fourth with a time of one minute and 25 seconds.

Lauren McCarthy, another wonderful basketball star from last year's first year team came in fifth with 32 seconds.

Just two points separates the Kingston cousins with Katie's 29 seconds just pipping Cathal on this occasion and giving them sixth and seventh position respectively.

Eight to tenth places go to Marie O'Sullivan, Megan Fitzgerald and Daisy Griffiths.

The Eighth Challenge:

This is a 5km challenge that has kindly been suggested to me by Ferdia McAleavy.

Go onto Google maps and click onto the website below. Mark out 5km and then run or walk the required distance. Your task is to cover the 5km as quickly as you can.


P.E. Update & 7th Challenge

Back in 2010, Guragei of Nepal achieved the world basketball bounce record 444 in a minute. The record stood for 7 years until Leon Walraven, a Dutch soccer freestylist smashed it in 2017 with 609. Both Guragei and Leon used two hands in their pursuit of record glory.

Incredibly, our very own amazingly skillful Sean Daly beat Guragei's record with 450 bounces at midday yesterday. What is more noteworthy is that Sean achieved his record using one hand only as this was the condition I had laid out. We will revisit this challenge using two hands at a later date.

Sean's stunning record breaking performance was captured on video and we are in the process of checking if indeed his record can be printed in an official document for all to see.

Katie Kingston's reputation as an awesome athlete continues to grow as she is producing stunning performances in almost every challenge. However, I feel her 408 in this challenge is her finest achievement yet. I had the pleasure of watching Katie in action and her skill, timing and sheer determination is evident in every second of the video she sent me.

No list could be complete without the talented Caoimhe Flannery whose 347 gives her third place. Ms Keating must be very proud of the conveyor belt of talent coming through her 1A P.E. class.

Daniel Nzunu once again makes it into the top four with a fine 317 in this competition.

Fifth to tenth places are as follows Tara O'Regan 163, Cathal Kingston 134, Abaigh Buckley 121, Jack Kent 119, Kayla Harrington 99 and Cathal McCarthy 67.

To be fair, those who had a good quality basketball were at a huge advantage in this event but the challenges should even out over the weeks and hopefully we could continue when we return to school. Next week, I am going to include a stacking challenge so get your imaginations going to decide what you will use from bean cans to stacking cups. You will need 15.

The Seventh Challenge

How long can you juggle three tennis balls or whatever you want to juggle?

All new members welcome.

Please send your results to Ms. O'Mahony on Teams.

P.E. Update & 6th Challenge

Performing a sequence of ‘keepie uppies’ tests an athletes balance, agility, co ordination, flexibility and indeed endurance if you can sustain it.

The scores achieved by our fantastic students in this challenge surpassed my wildest expectations and are testament to the great work being conducted by the dedicated soccer coaches in SCS and the local clubs.

Our walking champion Jack Kent returned to action and took this competition in his stride. His scintillating 97 gives him pole position and a second victory in our challenges.

Meanwhile the battle for second and third place was hotting up behind, with the mighty Cathal Kingston 86 just edging out superstar Caoimhe Flannery 84.

Donal O'Callaghan, a formidable sportsman in his own right, came in fourth with a commendable 67. Daniel Nzunu's 43 keeps him in contention for the overall with his fifth finish.

Our leader coming into this challenge Katie Kingston 35, gave her sixth place and gives her very valuable points to keep her challenge alive with Cathal McCarthy 29, and Steven Harrington 21, taking 7th and 8th place respectively.

It's tight at the top folks and every challenge counts.

Sixth Challenge:

I would like to thank Sean Daly for suggesting this challenge. Feel free to use any ball you like.

How many bounces can you do in one minute? Those who are lightning fast will have to record and slow down the video to count.

Best of luck everyone and have fun.

P.E. Update & 4th Challenge

It was always going to happen. The only question was who was going to do it first.

On Saturday, the message I had been expecting came through. Sean Daly had achieved what seemed to be impossible back in May and hit the 200 skip a minute target. Our fantastic sixth year's performance was captured on video on our teams app. Influenced no doubt by this and the inspirational efforts of our students so far, I've had an explosion of interest from students across the school. We welcome you all and hope you enjoy the journey.

Our latest ball catching challenge is a hotly contested affair with a host of new participants. The Brickleys, Finn and Holly joined our challenges at the weekend and have made an immediate impact. Finn, our Irish basketball star leads the way with a stunning 188 catches. His talented sister Holly retains second spot with 170, a score achieved after hours of practice.

With two Brickleys holding the top spots, it is strange that two Kingstons sit in third and fourth position and I'm not sure if they are related. The latest first year star to come to the fore is a girl called Katie Kingston who has performed brilliantly in all our challenges. An expert in javelin throwing, Katie used her javelin technique in her throwing action and her 158 gives her third spot. I am delighted to see Cathal Kingston pick up fourth.

Cementing their reputations as all round athletes, Caoimhe Flannery, Sean Daly and Daniel Nzunu came in next. Huge credit must go to Daniel as the video he sent in shows that his did this challenge outside with a flattish ball.

It's getting tight at the top. The big mover this week has been Katie Kingston who has shot up the league after consistently brilliant performances in all events, which I did not get until after I had written the earlier reports.

Keep up the excellent effort everyone.

The Fourth Challenge.

Keepie Uppies with a soccer ball or any ball you can find. Count how many you can do in a row.

Keepie uppie, keep-ups or kick-ups is the skill of juggling with a football using feet, lower legs, knees, chest, shoulders, and head, without allowing the ball to hit the ground.

ACCS/Microsoft Webinar on managing remote learning (a parents’ guide).

Invitation for Parents/Guardians to attend an ACCS/Microsoft Webinar on managing remote learning (a parents’ guide).


ACCS is delighted to host a 60-minute webinar on January 20th at 4.00 p.m. which will be focused on supporting parents and guardians with Office 365. This session will be delivered by Karen Burke, who is a teacher who specialises in the use the use of Office 365 as a platform for Teaching & Learning with a particular focus on Microsoft Teams & OneNote.


Session Overview:

  • How to log in to Office 365

  • Overview the Teams Platform

  • File Structure within Teams

  • Tracking Assignments

  • Where to find assignment feedback given by a teacher

  • The use of student gradebook

  • Checklist in the event of a school closure & other resources

  • How to access Student Support

  • Q & A


Karen Burke is the Customer Service Manager in Microsoft Education Ireland in that role she supports the development and training to allow for the development of successful digital strategies in educational institutions. She is an MIE Master Trainer and specialises in the use the use of Office 365 as a platform for Teaching & Learning with a particular focus on Microsoft Teams & OneNote. Karen is an educator with more than 10 years’ experience in UK and Ireland and has previously worked in one of Microsoft Showcase Schools.


Amended link to join ACCS/Microsoft Webinar on managing remote learning (a parents’ guide). Wednesday 20th January 4.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m.


Due to unprecedented demand it has become necessary to change the Webinar platform for the above event from Zoom to Microsoft TEAMS.


Parents will not be able to access the Webinar using the Zoom Meeting ID & Passcode previously provided.


To access the webinar parents must click on the link below when the Webinar begins at 4.00 p.m. Registration is not required to join this Webinar through Microsoft TEAMS.




Schools are asked to share this information and link with all parents/guardians.


Please note that this webinar will be recorded, and made available to schools.



Gratitude Challenge

Ms. O’Brien (school chaplain) is setting the entire SCS Community a challenge to get out in the fresh air this week, and show us your appreciation for your surroundings and the beauty that nature has to offer. (Within our 5K limit of course!)

We would like you to send us in a photo that you have taken using your phone/camera, that you think represents the natural beauty of Mother Nature and God's creation.

You could choose to photograph some flowers in bloom, a river or lake, the sunrise or sunset, something beautiful you have found in your garden or even some wildlife! It really is up to you! (Please do not include people due to GDPR).

Images can be sent to Ms. O’Brien via Teams chat or school email. The pictures will be posted on our social media page.

Deadline: Friday January 29th.

PE Update & New School Skipping Record

I've always thought that excuses sound best to those who express them. But on this occasion, my skipping test provided challenges for some students, few could respond to. To those who skipped with a heavy rope dragged from the recesses of an abandoned shed, I salute you. I imagine this is like playing basketball with a medicine ball.

As many students experienced communication problems, I was forced to give an extension to the deadline. From now on, I will post the challenges the night before so that students have a chance to prepare.

Challenges make us stronger and this test brought out the very best in many of our students. The record achieved by Sean Daly back in May during the basketball challenges was scratched by the amazingly talented Daniel Nzunu who skipped his way to an incredible 196. This was no surprise to me as Daniel is no stranger to setting new records in my P.E. classes.

However, the story does not end there. At 4 o’clock, Sean Daly finally managed to communicate and pipped Daniel by a single skip. Now thanks to the sixth year basketball star, we have a new school record of 197 and Sean retains his school record. I have a feeling we haven't heard the last from Daniel in this regard.

While all this excitement was unfolding, the battle for the minor places was hotting up. Once again, Caoimhe Flannery picked up third place with a stunning 154 skips in a minute, a performance more akin to a sprinter than a cross country runner. Ms Keating must be proud of her first year star.

Fourth spot went to another member of our incredible second year basketball squad, Orla Seymour who skipped her way to a fantastic 127.

After two events, Caoimhe has a narrow lead over Daniel, with Sean and Jack in joint third place. Thank you everyone for keeping the spirit of sport alive.

Tomorrow's Challenge:

This is a 2 minute challenge so it would be best to get someone to time you. You will also need a small ball like a tennis ball.

Mark out a distance of 10 feet away from a wall. Throw the ball against the wall and count your catches. Please check that the wall you have chosen is okay for throwing a ball against.

Looking forward to hearing from you on the teams app.

Ms. O’Mahony.

Weekly Scheme of Work and Live Classes Timetable for 1st, 2nd,3rd,TY,5th and 6th Years. Week Beginning Jan 11th.

This information is constantly being updated as new info becomes available………..Please check back later for any updates……

FIRST YEAR SCHEME OF WORK. Click on the button below.

SECOND YEAR SCHEME OF WORK. Click on the button below.

THIRD YEAR SCHEME OF WORK. Click on the button below.

TY SCHEME OF WORK. Click on the button below.

FIFTH YEAR SCHEME OF WORK. Click on the button below.

SIXTH YEAR SCHEME OF WORK. Click on the button below.

PE Update & 2nd Challenge

Some slip away into the shadows when faced with challenges. Others are galvanised into action.

While it's early days in our series of challenges, third year superstar Jack Kent has taken the lead in our ten minute walking challenge with a fantastic 2765 steps taken.

An inspirational performance from one of our talented first years, Caoimhe Flannery sees her take second spot with 1768. Coming into SCS, she harboured a dream that she would be able to represent SCS in cross country and kept up a high level of fitness. I look forward to the day when her dream and the hopes and aspirations of all our students are realised.

Challenge No. 2

We return to our one minute skipping challenge.

How many skips can you do in one minute?

Please send results to Ms. O'Mahony on the teams app.

STEM South West Industry & Career Showcase

STEM South West Industry & Career Showcase is back and is taking place virtually today Wednesday January 13th between 5pm and 9pm.

MTU Cork is a proud partner of STEM South West. 

This free virtual event is aimed at thousands of students from Cork and Kerry with an interest in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. 

STEM South West 2021 will showcase careers in tech, pharma and engineering and highlight achievable pathways for students to fulfil their career goals.

This unique exhibition will feature demonstrations in virtual reality, robotics and astronomy, as well as thought-provoking talks from experts in the areas of construction, information technology, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, electronics, weather-forecasting, agri-technology, environmental engineering, cybersecurity and more.   


MTU Parents Information Evening - 19th January 2021

The Kerry campus of Munster Technological University will host a virtual information evening on Tuesday 19th of January at 7pm for parents of Leaving Certificate students or anyone considering a college application in 2021 (see attached).

Guest speaker on the evening is Catherine O’Connor, Education Consultant & Author of “Cracking the College Code” who will speak about preparing for a successful transition from second level to third level.

Catherine will host a Q&A session following her talk, allowing all of those in attendance to ask questions on adapting to college and how best to support a young person as they adapt from secondary school to the adult learning environment that is third level education.

Also on the night, Lucy Fitzell from the MTU Admissions Office will provide information on the “Dos and Don’ts” of the CAO application process.

Daily Physical Education Challenge

Welcome back all you wonderful students.

Hope you have all had a refreshing break and now you are ready for action.

In the words of Nelson Mandela, 'there is no passion to be found in playing small and settling for a life that's less than the one you are capable of living'.

I invite you all, students, teachers and all those you meet to participate in my daily challenges for the sheer fun of doing it.

For those who are looking for a competitive edge, please return your results to me on the Teams app and I will update you on the results. Let's all follow in the footsteps of last years inspirational champions Finn Brickley, Niamh O'Sullivan, Hannah Sheehy and Sean Daly and take action.

Challenge 1 Tuesday 12th of January

Walking with toe to heel action. How many steps can you do in ten minutes? Use your fitbit or count for yourself.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Ms. O'Mahony.

Remote Learning: Information for Parents.

tips for parents.jpg

Dear Parent/Guardian,

As you are now aware, education for all students will be done remotely from Monday onwards. All Year Groups will be expected to follow their normal school timetable. Please read the information points below which may be of help . Our School Community uses Microsoft Teams to teach our students remotely.

  1. Microsoft Products such as Teams, Outlook Email, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Lens can be accessed through your son/daughter’s Microsoft 365 School Account.

  2. Please contact info@skibbereencommunityschool.ie if your son/daughter needs to reset their 365 Password.

  3. Microsoft Teams and all the other Microsoft apps can be accessed on a mobile phone, tablet, laptop, desktop and on an xbox/playstation gaming console. (Instructions on how to use a gaming console are on the school website) Internet/Mobile Data connectivity must be available.

  4. It is expected that your son/daughter will follow their normal school timetable from next Monday morning. Each class subject has their own online TEAMS Group with their classmates. Roll call will be taken.

  5. They will receive online tuition from their teachers through a number of formats; live classes, video tutorials, online assignments. Microsoft Teams will allow them to communicate with their teacher, contribute to live classes, submit work and do online tests.

  6. It is important that they have a quiet space to work with their books, exercise copybooks and writing materials. Headsets or earphones may be required.

  7. It is also important that each Parent/Guardian monitor their child’s progress. Discuss their online work with them. A summary of each Subject’s Weekly Work Plan will be posted on the school website to let you see what work they have covered.

  8. Click on the button below for information on how to use Microsoft Teams for Remote Learning.

Use your Playstation/XBox to access Microsoft Teams for Remote Learning


  1. Plug a keyboard into the Xbox USB slot.

  2. Go into my games and Apps.

  3. Find MICROSOFT EDGE and select.

  4. Type in: HWB and log in as you would in school with your 365 account eg. 14KOSullivan@skibbereencommunityschool.ie

  5. You can then access your work through Onedrive and use the Microsoft Suite of Apps such as TEAMS, EMAILS, WORD, EXCEL and POWERPOINT.

  6. To move around you use the XBox/Playstation controller or plug ina mouse.


  1. Identify the Play Station internet browser icon (It is WWW with dots around it)

  2. Press the PS4 logo on the controller.

  3. Go to the library and find options for games and applications.

  4. Go to the applications and you will find the internet browser.

  5. Type HWB into the browser and log in as you would in school eg. 14KOSullivan@skibbereencommunityschool.ie

  6. You can then access your work through Onedrive and use the Microsoft Suite of Apps such as TEAMS, EMAILS, WORD, EXCEL and POWERPOINT.

Return to education next week.


Dear Parent/Guardian,

As you are aware, students are expected to return to education next week. We are awaiting further clarification and details from the Department before outlining the plan for our school. Further updates will be issued on the school website tomorrow evening. Regards,

SCS Management.

Best of luck to our Young Scientists!

The School Community Wish the Best of luck to 4th year students Anna Collins, Grainne Connolly and Niamh Connolly who are taking part in the BT Young Scientist Exhibition Virtually this week with their ‘coping with COVID-19’ project.

Young Scientist.png