Dear Parent/Guardian,
It is that time of year when students in Third Year need to make choices regarding what subjects they would like to try as part of their TY programme. This is an important task that will have implications for their future career and life paths. It would be important that you take this opportunity to discuss these choices with them and ensure that the choices they are making are well informed and best suits their interests and capabilities.
The school’s Guidance staff and TY co-ordinator have worked with the students giving them information and advice on TY modules, activities and how best to choose subjects that suit them and their future plans. In addition, the guidance staff have created both a YouTube presentation and a PowerPoint to give parents and guardians a better understanding of the subject choice process.
A further presentation on TY activities and modules, has been created by the TY co-ordinator. These presentations can be viewed at the following link and the PowerPoint can be found in the resources section of the SCS website under parent’s zone. We would strongly urge each of you to take a look at them before discussing your son/daughter’s choices with them.
Further more detailed information on subject choice, college options, study skills etc if you require it, is available on the Guidance and Counselling Section of the school website. All choices need to be completed and submitted to the school through our online VSWare portal on or before Wednesday, March 3rd .
To do this you will receive a text from the school with details of how to access the portal. Once you enter the portal, please enter student choices in order of preference by following the step by step guide carefully.
Please also note that while we will do our best to ensure that all students get their top four preferences, there are no guarantees that this will be the case for everybody. Students who do not enter their choices at this stage run the risk of a much more limited choice at a later stage.
Best Regards,
Mr. Anton O Mahony,