Dear Parent/Guardian,

It is the time of year when students in Third Year are being asked to make subject choices for the next step in their education programme.

These are important decisions that need careful thought and discussion with your son/daughter. The information below is designed to assist you with these discussions and ensure that your son/daughter is making the best choices for him/her.

The information is divided into two sections,

1 -helpful guidance designed to aid the discussion regarding the best choice of subjects and

2 – guidance on how to input these choices to the school portal. Deadlines Current Third Year students entering Transition year – May 9th. 

It is of the utmost importance that all choices are made prior to this date in order to ensure that each student gets a free choice and therefore, the best opportunity to study subjects of their choosing.  After this deadline, the school will use the student’s preferences to create subject bands.

 Any student who misses the deadline or wishes to change their choice after the deadline will only be able to choose from the subject preference bands created and will therefore, have a more restricted choice.

Helpful guidance on how to choose subjects In order to assist you and your son/daughter to make the choices that best suit them the school’s Guidance Department have created the following short video clips and presentations.

We would encourage you to engage with this material with your son/daughter and discuss their preferences with them prior to submitting choices on the schools portal.

Click on the button below for an important powerpoint presentation on Subject Choice.

Click on the clip below for a Subject Choice Information Video

  • Further detailed information on third level courses and subject requirements is available on the Guidance section of the school website:

  • Click on the button below for a link to the Careers Section of the School website.

Online inputting procedures

  • Once your son/daughter has decided on their subject choices, these must be inputted on the school’s VSWare portal ahead of the deadline of May 9th.

Please complete the steps as outlined below. Steps to Follow

Step 1  You will receive a text from the school with a username and password

Step 2  Access the school website at

Step 3  Click on VS Ware on the top right-hand corner. Log-in using the details received in the text. The system will then ask you to create your own password so that only you can access the site.

Step 4  Click on Student Options on the top left of your screen.  Complete each subject set by following the instructions given at the top of the screen. 

Please note: click into each preference box to access the relevant subject listing.  Proceed to input choices in order of preference.

Step 5  Log-out. You can log-in and change the choices as often as you like up to the deadline date. If you have students in more than one year group, please use the left and right arrows at the top left of the screen to change between them.

Anton O Mahony,

Principal Skibbereen Community School,

May 2022.

Skibbereen Community School Plans to send a Van with Vital Medical Aid to the Ukraine

Last week our School Community raised €3000 for the people of Ukraine.

This week we have decided as a community to set our sights even higher.

One of our teachers (Mr O'Brien, Guidance Counsellor) is in a position to drive a van load of urgently needed Paediatric Medical Supplies out to the Ukraine border over the Easter holidays. As a school community and with the support of our parents and partners in the wider community we are convinced that we can make this happen.

Please have a look at the GoFundMe link below for the bigger plan and details of how the funds are to be used.

Please support our Drive to help these vulnerable Child Refugees in whatever way you can (even if it just to share the GoFundMe link further and further.

Many thanks form the entire School Community at Skibbereen CS.

Senior Cycle Subject Choice for 4th Years Going into 5th Year in Sept 2022.

Dear Parent/Guardian,

It is the time of year when students in Transition Year are being asked to make subject choices for the next step in their senior cycle programme. These are important decisions that need careful thought and discussion with your son/daughter.

The information below is designed to assist you with these discussions and ensure that your son/daughter is making the best choices for him/her. The information is divided into two sections, 1 -helpful guidance designed to aid the discussion regarding the best choice of subjects and 2 – guidance on how to input these choices to the school portal.

Please click on the button below for the information on these two sections.

Yours sincerely,

Mr. Anton O Mahony,


Anti -Bullying Week, Tips for Parents March 7th to 11th.

Dear Parent/ Guardian,

We include some information from this week’s Anti-Bullying Programme that you may find useful.

Dr. Maureen Griffin, Forensic Pyschologist who spoke to students this week outlines some key social media challenges facing parents in her powerpoint below. Click on the button for access.

Please click on the button below for a pdf version of the above chart about Tic Tock.

Please click on the button below for a pdf version of the chart about Snapchat.

Please click on the button below for a link about current frauds and scams.

New Improved School Gym thanks in part from the proceeds of the Christmas Sports Fund Raffle

The reburishment of the school gym has been finished recently thanks in part from the proceeds of the Christmas Sports Fund Raffle. New power racks, free weight racks with barbells and dumbbells have been installed as well as new flooring. This has been a huge addition to the curricular and extra curricular programmes of the school. Many thanks to Mr. Maurice Moore, Mr. Conor Ul and the TY students of the Sports Administration Module for all their efforts in getting this refurb!

Tractor Run Cheque of 5200euro presented to St.John's Ward, Crumlin.

Pictured is Ricky and his parents presenting a cheque of 5200euro to the staff of St.John’s Oncology Ward, Crumlin Hospital last week. This was from the proceeds of last December’s School Community Tractor run which Ricky organised. Ricky has requested that the money be used to provide games equipment such as a pool table, gaming consoles, tv’s and other entertainment facilities for teenagers undergoing treatment in the Ward.

After School Study starting Monday September 27th 2021

Supervised After School Study for Leaving Certs is starting next week Sept 27th, every Mon, Tues and Thurs from 4pm to 6pm. This is a 5week block costing €45. Forms available from the school office and places are limited.

Leaving Cert Results 2021

Over 500 points 2021.jpg

The results achieved by all students were excellent right across the Year group in what was a very challenging year. The School Community is so proud of every single one of them and wishes to acknowledge their efforts, the efforts of the school staff and their parents/guardians. It wishes them every sucess in their future endeavours.

At the top end, 45 students received in excess of 500 points with 8 achieving in excess of 600 points, 3 of whom received the full 625 points. These are pictured above; Josh Watkins, Michael Cronin and Lucy O Brien.

Pictured in the Group Photo are Rachel Cadogan, Anna Carroll, Luke Connolly, Saoirse Connolly, Eoghan Cooke, Rachel Crowley, Ciara French, Daniel Griffin, Roisin Hart Leonard, Rebecca Hayes, Grace Hendy, Sarah Hurley, Daire Kavanagh, Jennifer Keating, Jasmine Kiely, Eabha Lucey, Gearoid MacEoin, Kevin McCarthy, Margaret Murphy, Lucy O Brien, Ciarnad O Donovan, Sarah Rita O Donovan, Adrian O Driscoll, Adam O Regan, Egle Petrikauskaite, Emily Sweeney and Principal, Mr. Anton O Mahony.

Missing from Photo are ; Sophia Ball, Clodagh Bergin, Sarah Buckley, Eimear Byrne, Michael Cronin, Aine Daly, Killian Forde, Aine Geoghan, Gary Hegarty, Aoife Kingston, Eleanor McCarthy, Maeve McCarthy, Zoe O Connor, Ellie O Donovan, Garry O Driscoll, Conor O Neill, Grace Roberts, Cormac Ryan, Ellie Walsh and Joshua Watkins.

Information on School Re-Opening

Dear Student , Parent/Guardian,

We look forward to welcoming you back and working with you for the upcoming academic year. We wish to bring the following important information to your attention before the year starts and we look forward to your support with these issues.

Year Group Return Dates

  1. Monday 30th August- 1st Years only 9am to 11.30am

  2. Tuesday 31st August - 4th Years only 9am to 12noon

  3. Wednesday Sept 1st - 5th and 6th Years only 9am to 12noon

  4. Thursday Sept 2nd - 2nd and 3rd Years only 9am to 1pm

  5. Friday Sept 3rd - 1st and 4th Years only 9am to 3.50pm

  6. Monday 6th September - All Students 9am to 3.50pm


The school uniform is an important symbol of our school. It was designed by students for students. It creates a sence of togetherness, the same way each team wears their jersey with pride. Students and their families are not under pressure to wear the latest branded clothing and the uniform develops an affinity with learning. The uniform consists of a purple crested jumper, white long sleeved shirt and black uniform pants/skirt. Shoes must be dark coloured and flat soled. A non compulsory water proof fleece lined jacket is available to purchase from the school in September and so is the PE Crested Sports Top which is compulsory for all junior students.

Administration Costs

Each student is required to pay the sum of 70Euro towards the annual cost of providing, 24 Hour Student Personal Accident Insurance, Microsoft Licencing Fee, classroom and inhouse examinations material, school journal and communications (texts, postage etc.) This money can be paid using our online payment system, “Easy Payments Plus” on the school website. Please contact the school office if you encounter any difficulties with this system.


The Book Lists for Senior Students are listed in the “Featured Info” of the school website. Junior Students are encouraged to avail of the Book Rental Scheme.

SCS Management.

Book Lists For All Years 2021/2022 (Copy)

1ST YEAR BOOK LIST 2021/2022

2ND YEAR BOOK LIST 2021/2022

3RD YEAR BOOK LIST 2021/2022

TY BOOK LIST 2021/2022

5TH YEAR BOOK LIST 2021/2022

6TH YEAR BOOK LIST 2021/2022

Junior Cycle- Subject Choice for First Years going into Second Year, April 15th



Dear Parent/Guardian,

It is that time of year when students in First Year need to make choices regarding what subjects they would like to study for the remainder of their Junior Cycle. It would be important that you take this opportunity to discuss these choices with them and ensure that the choices they are making are well informed and best suits their interests and capabilities.

The school’s Guidance staff have worked with the students giving them information and advice on how best to choose subjects that suit them. In addition, the guidance staff have created both a YouTube presentation and a PowerPoint to give parents and guardians a better understanding of the subject choice process.

The presentation can be viewed at the following link and the PowerPoint can be found in the resources section of the SCS website under parent’s zone. We would strongly urge each of you to take a look at them before discussing your son/daughter’s choices with them.

Here is some information for first year parents and guardians about choosing subjects for Second and Third year at Skibbereen Community School

Further more detailed information on subject choice, college options, study skills etc if you require it, is available on the Guidance and Counselling Section of the school website. All choices need to be completed and submitted to the school through our online VSWare portal on or before Wednesday, April 21st .

To do this you will receive a text from the school with details of how to access the portal. Once you enter the portal, please enter student choices in order of preference by following the step by step guide carefully. Please note that you can change your choices as often as you want up to the 21 st of April after which the portal will no longer be accessible.

Please also note that while we will do our best to ensure that all students get their top four preferences, there are no guarantees that this will be the case for everybody. Students who do not enter their choices at this stage run the risk of a much more limited choice at a later stage.

Best Regards,

Mr. Anton O Mahony,


Please click on the button below for an important Information Powerpoint on Subject Choice.

Information for 5th Year Parents and Students, March 9th.

phased return.jpg

Dear Parent/Guardian and 5th Year Students,

The School Community looks forward to welcoming our 5th Year Students back to school on Monday, March 15th. Alot of work has been done to keep the school environment safe and we ask all 5th years for their support with infection control. The following return to the school protocols need to be observed.

  1. All Parents/Guardians are asked to complete an online Covid declaration form before their son/daughter can return. Click on the button below for this form or click on the Covid 19 section of this website. This must be completed by 6pm on Thursday evening, March 11th.

2. Parents/Guardians and Students are asked to read the new revised Covid Plan on the school website.

3. The School Canteen is not available at the moment so all students must bring in their own refreshments for the day.

4. Students must enter the building through the assigned 5th Year Entrance. They must sanitize their hands on entry and should regularly wash/sanitize their hands throughout the day. Numerous wash stations are located throughout the building.

5. Students are asked to have their own sanitizing liquid and wipes with them at all times.

6. Mask wearing is compulsory and a mask should only be removed to eat and drink.

7. All students are asked to maintain social distancing at all times. The 5th Year Social Areas are at the top section of the Sports Hall and in the Basketball Court Marquee. Students are asked not to move the seating from their socially distanced marking points.

8. Students are asked not to congregate in the corridors, outside classrooms and in the social areas. All desks should be sanitized before the start and end of class.

9. Students can use any of the toilet blocks in the school until a full return but are asked to keep them in order.

10. Students are not allowed down town at luchtime at the moment and students who wish to sign out must inform their Year Head and be collected by a Parent/Guardian. Students who sign out will not be allowed return to the building that day.

11. Unfortunately Ball playing is not permitted at this time.

12. Full uniform must be worn.

We thank you for your co-operation and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday 15th.


S.C.S Management.

Important Information for Leaving Certs and their Parents/Guardians from the Department, Feb 26th


Please click on the buttons below for important information about the Leaving Cert Exams and Accredited Grade System and for a letter for parents from Minister Norma Foley.

A Guide to State Examinations and Accredited Grades for Leaving Certificate 2021

Letter to Parents/Guardians from Minister Norma Foley. (English Version)

Letter to Parents/Guardians from Minister Norma Foley. (As Gaeilge)