Dear Student , Parent/Guardian,

We look forward to welcoming you back and working with you for the upcoming academic year. We wish to bring the following important information to your attention before the year starts and we look forward to your support with these issues.

Year Group Return Dates

  1. Monday 30th August- 1st Years only 9am to 11.30am

  2. Tuesday 31st August - 4th Years only 9am to 12noon

  3. Wednesday Sept 1st - 5th and 6th Years only 9am to 12noon

  4. Thursday Sept 2nd - 2nd and 3rd Years only 9am to 1pm

  5. Friday Sept 3rd - 1st and 4th Years only 9am to 3.50pm

  6. Monday 6th September - All Students 9am to 3.50pm


The school uniform is an important symbol of our school. It was designed by students for students. It creates a sence of togetherness, the same way each team wears their jersey with pride. Students and their families are not under pressure to wear the latest branded clothing and the uniform develops an affinity with learning. The uniform consists of a purple crested jumper, white long sleeved shirt and black uniform pants/skirt. Shoes must be dark coloured and flat soled. A non compulsory water proof fleece lined jacket is available to purchase from the school in September and so is the PE Crested Sports Top which is compulsory for all junior students.

Administration Costs

Each student is required to pay the sum of 70Euro towards the annual cost of providing, 24 Hour Student Personal Accident Insurance, Microsoft Licencing Fee, classroom and inhouse examinations material, school journal and communications (texts, postage etc.) This money can be paid using our online payment system, “Easy Payments Plus” on the school website. Please contact the school office if you encounter any difficulties with this system.


The Book Lists for Senior Students are listed in the “Featured Info” of the school website. Junior Students are encouraged to avail of the Book Rental Scheme.

SCS Management.