The results achieved by all students were excellent right across the Year group in what was a very challenging year. The School Community is so proud of every single one of them and wishes to acknowledge their efforts, the efforts of the school staff and their parents/guardians. It wishes them every sucess in their future endeavours.
At the top end, 45 students received in excess of 500 points with 8 achieving in excess of 600 points, 3 of whom received the full 625 points. These are pictured above; Josh Watkins, Michael Cronin and Lucy O Brien.
Pictured in the Group Photo are Rachel Cadogan, Anna Carroll, Luke Connolly, Saoirse Connolly, Eoghan Cooke, Rachel Crowley, Ciara French, Daniel Griffin, Roisin Hart Leonard, Rebecca Hayes, Grace Hendy, Sarah Hurley, Daire Kavanagh, Jennifer Keating, Jasmine Kiely, Eabha Lucey, Gearoid MacEoin, Kevin McCarthy, Margaret Murphy, Lucy O Brien, Ciarnad O Donovan, Sarah Rita O Donovan, Adrian O Driscoll, Adam O Regan, Egle Petrikauskaite, Emily Sweeney and Principal, Mr. Anton O Mahony.
Missing from Photo are ; Sophia Ball, Clodagh Bergin, Sarah Buckley, Eimear Byrne, Michael Cronin, Aine Daly, Killian Forde, Aine Geoghan, Gary Hegarty, Aoife Kingston, Eleanor McCarthy, Maeve McCarthy, Zoe O Connor, Ellie O Donovan, Garry O Driscoll, Conor O Neill, Grace Roberts, Cormac Ryan, Ellie Walsh and Joshua Watkins.