Pictures from the recent TY Cycle Sense Workshop.
Pictures from the recent TY Cycle Sense Workshop.
Well done to our TY students who participated in the TY beach clean up last Thursday, 2nd February.
This week, students welcomed the first day of Spring and celebrated Lá Fhéile Bríde.
Students learned about the history and the traditions associated with St. Brigid's Day and participated in different activities in their Religious Education classes throughout the week.
The school was delighted to welcome Ms. Col Conway, a cancer prevention nurse from the Marie Keating Foundation, to SCS today.
All students were told that they can cut their risk of cancer.
Scientists estimate that we can help prevent 4 out of 10 cancers by: not smoking, eating a healthy diet, being physically active, avoiding too much exposure to the sun and limiting alcohol.
Thanks to Ms. Órla O Sullivan for organising.
Good luck to our Transition Year Musical Cast and crew, and their teachers Ms. Leiber, Ms. Brennan and Ms. Hoskins, who take part in a Light Entertainment Festival in Fermoy tomorrow.
SCS is delighted to announce that we are taking part in a food waste prevention course with Skibbereen Tidy Towns. There is a prize fund of €100 for SuperValu.
We would encourage all students to participate during their Religion classes. Thanks to Ms. Órla O’Sullivan and TY Religion teachers for organising.
SCS is also delighted to announce that we are taking part in a dog fouling prevention competition in conjunction with Skibbereen Tidy Towns.
All students are encouraged to participate with a prize fund of €50.
We wish to thank Skibbereen Tidy Towns for sponsorship and Ms. Órla O’Sullivan and the Religion department for organising.
We are very excited to announce that Skibbereen Community School is participating in the walkability project.
Walkability is aiming to make streets and neighbourhoods safe and enjoyable for everyone regardless of their age, size, ability, or disability which will lead to increased walking activity.
Skibbereen Community School's TY students will be testing streets and footpaths and trying to find ways to improve them.
We had our second meeting yesterday in SCS where groups were working on a toolkit and a map of Skibbereen.
The school wishes to thank Ms. Sandra Flynn and Ms. Susan Boland from Skibbereen Tidy Towns for their help and staff members Ms. Órla O’Sullivan, Mr. Sean Ronan and Ms. Shirley Whycherley for co-ordinating.
Congratulations to Katie Kingston 3rd year who won the ‘Winter Photography’ competition.
She captured her Highland cow, Angie, enjoying a beautiful winter sunset.
Our ‘Spring Photography Competition’ is now commencing.
Please send your pictures with a caption to either Ms. A. Dullea or Ms. N. O'Brien.
The closing date is 16th March 2023.
Congratulations to our 1st year girls' basketball team who defeated Coláiste Muire in Crosshaven today.
Final score 34-16.
Congratulations to our 1st year girls' basketball team who defeated St. Angela's today.
Final score 44-16.
Congratulations to TY students; Kate, Catherine and Stephen who got through to the second stage of the Certified Irish Angus School Competition from a large volume of entries.
The students travelled to Thomond Park, Limerick on Thursday 26th where they were interviewed by a panel of judges on their project ‘exploring the ideas of sustainability of beef farming and women in agriculture’.
We were delighted to welcome Eddie and Patrick Nealon from "Career Services" to SCS. They delivered a Preparation for Apprenticeship course to interested 5th and 6th year students. Students got an opportunity to become familiar with topics such as:
How the Apprenticeship process works
Preparing CV's and Application forms
Competency Based interviews
Psychometric assessments for apprenticeships
Sincere thanks for a very informative morning.
On Thursday the 26th of January three of our 4th year classes went down town to help our community by picking up litter behind the Eldon and in other areas of the town .
Our students believe that it is important to give back to the community and they also want to help Skibbereen tidy towns achieve their goals and make the town a better place for everyone.
The students managed to collect several bags of litter and will hope to continue this good work in the future
4th year students Bláthín Barry, Stephen Kingston, Christina Hurley, Sophia Kate leahy, Daniel Hurley, Ryan Scully and Chloe McCarthy went to Baltimore road nursing home recently to play Bingo with the residents.
Both students and residents really enjoyed this experience and our students brought great joy to the residents.
SCS are delighted to announce that going forward we will be assisting Skibbereen Tidy Towns in their efforts with litter picking in Skibbereen and educating young people about this important topic.
We wish to thank Mr. Jerome Dwyer and Mr. John Hamilton for giving up their time to speak to 4th years last week.
There is more rubbish now than 26 years ago. Skibbereen has three silver medals and are striving for gold and we are looking forward to helping them achieve this.
Thanks to Ms. Órla O Sullivan, Mr. Sean Ronan, Ms. Deirdre Hennigan and Ms. Grace Callaghan for organising.
SCS is delighted to announce we are taking part in a walk ability study with Ms. Sandra Flynn and Skibbereen Tidy Towns.
We are very excited about this 4th year project that will see groups of 4th years looking at different areas of Skibbereen with a view to making Skibbereen a better place to be, going forward.
Thanks to Ms. Sandra Flynn for giving up her time and to Ms. Órla O’Sullivan and Mr. Sean Ronan for organising.
January 22nd - January 29th is Catholic Schools Week 2023.
The theme of this year's Catholic Schools Week is "Walking Together in Faith & Love".
Hard luck to our Senior Boys Football Team and their coaches and selectors, Mr. Tony Harrington, Mr. Colman O Driscoll, Mr. James McCarthy, Mr. Elliot Connolly and Mr. Chris O Brien on losing to Coláiste Spiorad Naoimh on Thursday in the Quarter Final. Many thanks to all the players, staff involved and supporters for all their efforts throughout the campaign.