TY Farming Module Class and Farming Club visit Millstreet Agri Machinery Show, March 24th

The TY Farming Module Class and The Farming Club visited Millstreet Agricultural Machinery Show on March 24th. Many thanks to Mr. Peter Swanton and Mr. PJ Fitzgerald for organising the trip and to Mr. Eoghan Daly and Ms. Eileen O Mahony for accompanying the group.

More Lunchtime Activities.

  • School Library is Open every Day at Lunchtime for Reading and Borrowing.

  • Supervised Lunchtime (Over 16’s only) School Gym Sessions every Mon, Tues and Thursday for Boys and Girls. Book your slot by TEAMS messaging Mr. Moore or Mr. O Driscoll beforehand.

  • Girls Only Weights/Strenght and Conditioning Session with Ms. Ni Shuilleabhain every Thursday afterschool from 4 to 5pm for all ages.

  • Pool Compeition starts next Monday, March 28th at lunchtime. 50euro first prize. Open to all students and staff. TEAMS message Mr. O Donnabhain with your name to register.

TY School Musical 2022

Beauty and the Beast

The cast and crew of the TY musical 'Beauty and the Beast' are working hard to bring this year's fabulous musical to life. Everyone is so delighted to have the chance to create live theatre again after the last 2 years of lockdowns, masks, social-distancing and the rest of it. 

We are hoping to present this year's musical extravaganza on the 30th and 31st of March and 1st April. Don't miss this great family show full of well-loved songs and magical characters.

Show Times:

Wednesday 30th of March 2022 at 8:00pm

Thursday 31st of March 2022 at 8:00pm

Friday 1st of April 2022 at 8:00pm

There will be light refreshments at the interval and a raffle for the spot prizes generously donated by the local businesses in Skibbereen.

Ticket price: €10.00

Family ticket: (2 adults and 2 children) €30.00

The tickets are available at Cathal O’ Donovan’s bookshop, 35 Main St, Skibbereen and the reception office in Skibbereen Community School.

Careers Fair 2022, March 22nd, 2pm to 5pm.

Many thanks to the following exhibitors for their knowledge and time and many thanks to Ms. Fiona Ronan, Mr. Cormac O Brien and Ms. Cliodhna O Sullivan, Careers and Counselling Department, SCS for organising the event.

Exhibitors include

  • University College Cork

  • Munster Technological University- Cork & Kerry campus

  • University of Limerick

  • Waterford IT

  • Solas

  • Cork Training Centre

  • Cork College of Commerce

  • West Cork campus Cork college of Commerce

  • Tramore Road (CSN)

  • Darara Agricultural College

  • Defence Forces

  • Eunicas

  • Aodh O' Donnell Design

  • Carbery



Tree Planting in Skibbereen Community School

On Wednesday, March 16th , students from Ms. Burke's 2nd Year CSPE class were joined by Ms. McNulty's 4th Year Economics class and LRC students with their teacher, Ms. O'Regan and SNA, Siobhán, to plant native Irish trees in the school grounds.

These trees were kindly donated to the Green Schools.

Thank you to Mr. John Dullea, Mr. O'Mahony and Mr. Chris O'Brien for their help and expertise and also to Ms. Burke and her class and Ms. O'Driscoll for all the organising.

The trees that were planted were Hawthorn, Crab Apple, Hazel, Mountain Ash and an Oak Tree which was planted in the memorial spot at the front of the school.

Presentation of Cheque to Ms. Noreen McCarthy, Skibbereen Red Cross, March 16th.

Some of our TY Students presented Ms. Noreen McCarthy of Skibbereen Red Cross with a cheque of 3000euro in aid of the Ukranian Appeal. This was from the proceeds of yesterday’s School Bake Sale. Also pictured is Mr. O Mahony, Principal and Ms. Sarah McCarthy, Home Ec Dept. who helped organise the event. Well done to all involved!

Seachtain na Gaeilge

Bhí an-chraic ag na daltaí ag an gcéilí ar an Luan i rith seachtain na Gaeilge.

Bake Sale in aid of the Red Cross Ukraine Appeal, March 15th

Well done to all the TY Students who organised today’s School Bake Sale in aid of the Red Cross Ukraine Appeal. Many thanks to Ms.McCarthy and the Home Ec Dept. and Ms. O Brien, Chaplain for their coordinating. A big thankyou also to all the students, staff and parents who donated and bought so much baking.

We are pleased to announce that the raffle, bake sale and staff donations raised a grand total of 2754euro. A phenomenal amount. Well done SCS!

3rd Year Well-Being Display

Well done to Ms. Dullea’s 3rd year class who created posters for a well-being display in the school.

They are pictured below in front of the display.

Hard luck to our U19 Boys Soccer Team in the Munster Cup today, March 14th.

Hard luck to our U19 Boys Soccer Team and their coach Mr. Cobor Uhl today in the Munster Schools Cup. They were beaten at home by 3goals to 1goal by St.Caimin’s Community College, Co. Clare.

Hard luck to our U19 Boys Soccer Team and their coach Mr. Conor Uhl today in the Munster Schools Cup. They were beaten at home by 3goals to 1goal by St.Caimin’s Community College, Co. Clare.

Anti-Bullying Poster Competition

Class 1F winners of the anti-bullying poster competition are pictured below with their posters. Well done to all!

Seachtain na Gaeilge

Seachtain na Gaeilge will be celebrated in Skibbereen Community School next week from the 14th to 16th March.

See programme of events below.

A Visit from Holly Cairns TD

Last Friday, 2A welcomed Cork South-West TD, Holly Cairns to our CSPE class to find out more about her experience as a government TD. This year we are learning about Global Citizenship and how our government works here in Ireland.

We decided we would like to invite Ms. Cairn’s to meet our class as she is local, young and from a farming background. Adam wrote a letter to invite her to our school and we were delighted when she said she could visit. Next, we asked our class which questions they would like to ask and we selected the most popular questions. We set up the room and organised some refreshments.  

Adam, Kate, Donagh and Rachel met Ms. Cairns at the office and walked her up to our classroom. Ms. Cairns started off by explaining her role in government and how she became a politician. Then we took turns asking our questions and we had some biscuits and tea.  

It was an amazing experience and we learned a lot about how our government works.  

(Adam O' Donovan)

Show Jumping Team 2022

Well done to our Show Jumping Team 2022 who competed in the Inter-schools Show Jumping Event and the Individual Show Jumping Event in Maryville Equestrian Centre Cork.

Our young riders and their ponies put in a stellar performance in representing our school.

The school team competition consisted of Niamh O'Reilly, Callum Connolly, Oscar Wycherley and Benjamin Wycherley.

Within this category two rider's jumped 1m and two riders jumped 80cm.

Our individual competitors were Niamh O'Reilly and Ava Collins, both jumping 80cm in a two-phase competition including a timed component.

A huge thank you to everyone involved, especially our competitor's families who assisted with transportation. A school's equestrian team is unlike any other in a school. Not only does it require fitness and dedication, it also requires a four-legged friend who also needs fitness and looking after.

We hope to see our other competitors with their ponies, in flying form later in the year.