AILO Linguistics Olympiad

The School community would like to send our congratulations to Hugh O' Driscoll for representing Skibbereen Community School in the AILO Linguistics Olympiad National Final.

Hugh's presence at the event meant that Skibbereen Community School was one of 44 schools in the country who took part in this national problem solvers competition.

L.R.C. Students Visit the Uillinn Arts Centre

Our L.R.C. Students recently visited the Uillinn Arts Centre’s Current Exhibition, which is showcasing the work of the seven inaugural TU Dublin graduates of the Masters Degree Programme – Deirdre Archbold, Ann Burns, Guy Dalton, Sinéad McCormick, Sylwia Migdal, Katie Nolan and Ruairí Ó Donnabháin.

This exhibition includes a diverse range of media encompassing multi and digital media, film, photography, sound, virtual reality, performance and installation.

Students had an enriching experience and discussed the many different types of media. This class visit helps form support materials for the students Junior Cycle Learning Portfolios.

​Students particularly liked the VR Headset experience, where each student verbalized their unique experience throughout the session. The Sound Exhibits were also a big hit with our students. They each stepped on the pressure sensitive pad, which in turn created different sounds at different high levels.

This Exhibition was a feast for the senses and enjoyed by all.

Junior Girls Rugby

Our Junior girls rugby team took part in a developmental blitz in Bantry on Wednesday, 9th March.

The girls performed brilliantly and won all of their games. They supported each other well and our beginners proved they have great potential for the future.

Thanks to Bantry Community College for hosting.

Well done to the panel of Emma McCarthy, Kellie Daly, Natasha Hadley-Lunn, Kate Connolly, Ellen Hickey, Emily o'Donovan, Clodagh Deasy, Cíara Collins, Grace Bohane, Grace Hickey, Eve Minihane, Laura Kingston, Annabel O'Connell, Alice Collins and thanks to TY assistant coaches Ruby Byrne and Kate Coppinger.

Day 3 of Anti Bullying Week, Homework for Parents.

The Guidance Department have included a number of resources below which may be of help to parents.

  1. The National Parent Council’s Post Primary Link on Internet safety. Click on the button below.

2. Here's a link to a pdf from Webwise as well. Click on the button below.

3. And a webinar from Colman Noctor and Internet safety with special mention of Tik Tok. Click on the button below.

4. And a Host of various videos on online behaviour. Click on the button below.

New Improved School Gym thanks in part from the proceeds of the Christmas Sports Fund Raffle

The reburishment of the school gym has been finished recently thanks in part from the proceeds of the Christmas Sports Fund Raffle. New power racks, free weight racks with barbells and dumbbells have been installed as well as new flooring. This has been a huge addition to the curricular and extra curricular programmes of the school. Many thanks to Mr. Maurice Moore, Mr. Conor Ul and the TY students of the Sports Administration Module for all their efforts in getting this refurb!

School Library Opening

We had a lovely morning recently celebrating the official opening of our school library. Mrs. Vera Cleary, wife of Mr. Patrick Cleary, the late Deputy Principal of St. Fachtna’s De La Salle, cut the purple ribbon to mark this special occasion. The library has made its home in a fabulous, open, bright, and comfortable space overlooking the canteen and central area. It has recently been updated with an online cataloguing system, and we now have over 2000 fiction and reference books in stock. The library is a much-welcome addition. It is a home for lovers of books and reading – a fantastic hangout to read, browse, chat, and relax.

The library opening was honoured with presentations of books by local authors. SCS teacher Mr. Cormac Levis presented two books on traditional boats of Ireland, one he wrote himself and one for which he was a contributing author. Skibbereen and District Historical Society’s William Casey and Philip O’Regan presented a selection of historical Journals to the library.

The library is open every lunchtime, and students can borrow and return books using our online cataloguing system. Our dedicated student librarians run the lunchtime library, and we wish to acknowledge and commend their dedication, commitment and spirit in leading this exciting new venture for our school.

Student Librarians, Mrs. Vera Cleary, Dan Cleary (President St Fachtna’s De La Salle PPU), Gerard O'Brien and Vincent O'Neill (St Fachtna's PPU), Bridget 0'Driscoll and Anne Crossey (Parents' Association), Principal Anton O'Mahony, teacher Ms. Evelyn Collins

Mr. Dan Cleary and Mrs. Vera Cleary

Plaque unveiled in honour of Mr. Patrick Cleary

Student librarians

Mr. Cormac Levis, SCS teacher and author, presenting books to the library

Skibbereen Historical Society’s William Casey & history teachers, Mr. PJ Fitzgerald, Ms. Michelle O’Brien, Mr. Colman O’Driscoll, and Mr. Pat Joe Whooley

Best of luck to Hugh O Driscoll, 6th Year in the AILO Linguistic Olympiad in Dublin tomorrow.

Best of luck to Hugh O Driscoll, 6th Year who is representing the school at the All Ireland AILO Linguistic Olympiad in Dublin tomorrow.

The All Ireland Linguistics Olympiad (AILO) is a contest in which secondary school students develop their own strategies for solving problems in fascinating languages from around the globe.

Students must use their ingenuity to solve Puzzles such as deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphics, decoding numerical spy codes, and interpreting ancient Mayan poetry.

No prior knowledge of linguistics or a second language is required, as even the hardest problems require only logical ability, patient work, and a willingness to think around corners.

AILO introduces students to linguistics (i.e. the study of human language) and to the application of logic to problems of language understanding and translation. The goal is to develop students’ problem-solving skills and to inspire them to consider the fascinating range of Careers at the intersection of computing, linguistics and language

Hard luck to our U16 1/2 Ladies Football Team in the Munster Final today , March 7th

Hard luck to our U16 1/2 Ladies Football team and their coaches, Ms. Ella Ryan, Ms. Anna Ward and Mr. Ger Carey who lost to Mercy Mounthawk Tralee in the Munster Final today. They did us proud against a very good Tralee team but fell short on the day.

Many thanks to the players and coaches for all their efforts over the season. Many thanks to the backroom staff of Mr. O Brien, First Aider and the office staff of Ms. Mary Kelleher Fowler, Ms. Margaret Maloney and Ms. Ciara Walsh back in school for all the logistics. Many thanks to all the students, staff and parents who travelled today to support and to Ms. Gillian O Farrell, Ms. Ita O Donovan and Ms. Lillian O Sullivan who supervised the supporters bus. Many thanks also to our sponsors Mr. Damien Long, Dave Long Travel and Mr. John O Driscoll, Blueprint Financial.

Day 1 of Anti Bullying Week, March 7th to 11th 2022.

Internet Safety Talk by Dr. Maureen Griffin, Forensic Psychologist.

Dr. Maureen Griffin, Forensic Psychologist spoke to 2nd, 3rd and 5th Years today about internet safety, dangers on social media, cyber bullying and mobile phone safety.

Best of luck to our U16 1/2 Girls Football Team in the Munster Final tomorrow, March 7th.

Best of luck to our U16 1/2 Girls Football Team and their coaches Ms. Ella Ryan, Ms. Anna Ward and Mr. Ger Carey in the Munster Final tomorrow against Mount Hawk, Tralee. Throw in is at 11.30am in Kilnamartyra, GAA club, Macroom. Tickets can be purchased on line on the following link;


Munster LGFA PPS Junior C Final, Skibbereen CS V Mercy Mounthawk Tralee

Mon, Mar 7 at 11:30 AM-2:30 PM

Kilnamartyra, Macroom, Co. Cork, Ireland.

Many thanks to Mr. Damien Long of Dave Long Travel for sponsoring a new set of Jerseys for the team and Mr. John O Driscoll of Blueprint Financial Planning for sponsoring a set of tops for the panel.

Emmy Award Winner Danny Crowley Visits the L.R.C.

The Students of the L.R.C. Level 2 Junior Cycle Class were delighted to welcome Emmy Award Winning Danny Crowley to the L.R.C. for a visit.

Danny is a native of Leap, who recently took home an Emmy for his sound-mixing work on the world-famous HBO series Game of Thrones.

The Emmy gold statuette, the equivalent of an Oscar, was also in attendance, both students and staff alike had great fun holding it and imagining the limelight and their acceptance speech. 

Students of the L.R.C. had prepared a series of interview style question to ask Danny These questions formed part of the student's portfolio work for their level 2 Communication Folders. Danny commented that the quality of the question rivalled any professional magazine reporter.  

Danny also discussed his involvement on other film projects closer to our native West Cork, such as work on 'The Young Offenders'. His career journey has given several students an insight into the Film Industry and 'Further food for thought', regarding their own career choices.

We would like to thank Danny for taking time out of his busy schedule and look forward to welcoming him in the future for further discussions on his current film projects. 

Hard luck to our U16 Boys Basketball Team in today's All- Ireland Final.

Hard luck to our U16 Boys Basketball Team and their coach Ms. Marie O Mahony on losing to Rathmore GS, Belfast in today’s All Ireland B League Final in the National Stadium Tallaght.

The Final Score was 55 points to 38. The lads played their hearts out and did their school, their club and their families so proud.

Many thanks to all the students who travelled to Dublin to support, the parents and Mr. Chris O Brien, Ms. Lillian O Sullivan, Mr. Eoghan Daly who accompanied the students on the supporters bus. Thanks also to Mr. Damien Long from Dave Long Travel who sponsored today’s set of new jerseys.

And a big thanks to the team of Finn Brickley, Cian O Brien, Ruairi Collins, Sean Connolly, Aidan Fahy, Dylan Heaton Jones, Shaun Hodnett, Conor Hurley, Daniel Hurley, Darragh McDonnell, Daniel Nzunu and Naoise Quinn who gave us a great game and a great season!

Ash Wednesday - Pray for Ukraine

In response to Pope Francis's global invitation to gather together in prayer and fasting for those suffering in Ukraine, today the entire school community offered a prayer and a minute’s silence in a show of support and solidarity.

Transition Year students attended mass at St Mary's Cathedral for Ash Wednesday, to mark the beginning of Lenten season. And the rest of the school community got the opportunity to receive Ashes.

Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2022

Please take a moment to be mindful that this week marks Eating Disorders Awareness week 2022.

Bodywhys- The Eating Disorder Association of Ireland have organised a full schedule of information sessions to raise awareness of the challenges that can come along with eating disorder diagnosis, treatment and recovery. Remember Recovery is possible #EDAW2022.

For more information click the ‘Learn More’ button below.

Tractor Run Cheque of 5200euro presented to St.John's Ward, Crumlin.

Pictured is Ricky and his parents presenting a cheque of 5200euro to the staff of St.John’s Oncology Ward, Crumlin Hospital last week. This was from the proceeds of last December’s School Community Tractor run which Ricky organised. Ricky has requested that the money be used to provide games equipment such as a pool table, gaming consoles, tv’s and other entertainment facilities for teenagers undergoing treatment in the Ward.

Easing of Covid-19 Restrictions in Schools, Feb 28th 2022.


Dear Parent/Guardian,

We hope you are all keeping well and have enjoyed a good mid-term break.

As you are by now aware the Government has issued advice in relation to the easing of Covid-19 restrictions.

The following are the key points to note as we return to school.

Staying at home if you have symptoms . The requirement to stay at home if you have symptoms remains, both for students and staff as this is one of the key measures in our Covid-19 Response Plan to prevent the introduction and spread of illness in the school.

Mask wearing From Monday February 28th. It will no longer a requirement for students to wear a mask in school. Students can continue to wear a mask if they wish to do so.

Mask Wearing on school buses/trips . The wearing of face coverings/masks on school transport will also no longer be mandatory but continues to be advised. However, other measures including preassigned seating will remain in place subject to further review.

Hand Hygiene, sanitisation, sharing of materials . All students should continue to practice good hygiene and the use of sanitiser, particularly when equipment and materials are being shared.

Ventilation. Ventilation will remain as a key prevention measure subject to future review.

We look forward to working together in the busy final months of this school year.

Yours sincerely,

Mr. Anton O Mahony,


U16 Boys Basketball Team Through to All Ireland Final

Congratulations to our U16 boys basketball team & their coach Ms. Marie O’Mahony who are through to the All Ireland League Final.

They defeated St. Louis Kiltimagh in the quarter final by 66-44 and defeated St. Patrick’s College, Belfast in the semi-final by 40-36.

Well done on a fabulous achievement.

The entire school community wishes the team & their coach, every success in the All-Ireland final which is due to be played in March.