Welcome back all you wonderful students.

Hope you have all had a refreshing break and now you are ready for action.

In the words of Nelson Mandela, 'there is no passion to be found in playing small and settling for a life that's less than the one you are capable of living'.

I invite you all, students, teachers and all those you meet to participate in my daily challenges for the sheer fun of doing it.

For those who are looking for a competitive edge, please return your results to me on the Teams app and I will update you on the results. Let's all follow in the footsteps of last years inspirational champions Finn Brickley, Niamh O'Sullivan, Hannah Sheehy and Sean Daly and take action.

Challenge 1 Tuesday 12th of January

Walking with toe to heel action. How many steps can you do in ten minutes? Use your fitbit or count for yourself.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Ms. O'Mahony.