Day 8 was a jam packed day that followed a wonderful evening in Tinker’s Son Restaurant where we were honoured to meet local celebrity and award winning chef Nr. Brian Houlihan from Boston who cooked in Bia in Bantry and the Riverside Restaurant as part of West Cork Food Festival. His shepherds’s pie is superb! After meeting the school’s librarian Tracey Newman, we headed off to JKF Library. The nation’s official memorial to John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States was a stunning building. It was off to the Irish Pastoral Centre for lunch where we were given an incredible welcome by the staff who fed us chicken curry and lasagne. Before we left Fr. Dan Finn and Mr. Noel Daly sang “The Banks of our own lovely Lee”. It was so lovely to also have lunch with Ms. Kathleen Adams, Ms. Mary Ann Casavant, Mr. Neil Hurley, Ms. Amy O’ Connell, Mr. Albert Swanton (a native of Skibbereen) and Ms. Roisin Lee. They do such important work and provide incredible support to the Irish. We also loved seeing the Bumblebee Knitting group. Tks again to Brenda O’ Connor as always for accompanying us and guiding us along the way.

Scituate Boston Blue Men’s Group update. We had a great night out at the Blue Men Group in Boston. We were roaring laughing when Liz and Brenda were asked to go up on stage. This was a wonderful show definitely worth seeing that plays all over the world and is going over 30 years to date. It was a nice celebration of our final night together. Thanks to Brenda and Ed O’ Connor, Liz Grindle, Christine Walsh, Carol Sullivan Hanley and Kate Ciulla for accompanying us.