Day 3 Boston Update. Our students attended the first few classes in Situate High school. They attended French, Maths, Art and Photography classes. Our Principal, Mr. Cormac O’ Brien and Ms. Orla O’ Sullivan were given a guided tour of Situate Middle and High School buildings by Ms. Kate Ciulla. The staff were so welcoming, the buildings were beautiful and there was such a positive vibe from everyone they met. It was very obvious to them the caring ethos of the school. There were mottos everywhere like “set sail, dream, explore, discover”etc.They learned about the differences too. They have full time qualified nurses working in the school and a full time police officer who carries a gun and a taser gun.   Officer Sherry was very nice and like the others took time to meet with them and explained that his role was mainly a positive one to build relationships with students. Still while we have had fire drills, they have had lockdown drills. They were introduced to Principal Mr. Mark Loranger. Then it was off to Target a huge shop followed lunch in Situate Town library kindly organised by Ms. Brenda O’ Connor. At four o’ clock there was a welcome party in the Drift Inn. They were welcomed by the Situate committee members, families, Ms. Hannah Curran Chair of Situate Select Board and Ms. Heidi O’ Driscoll Assistant Superintendent of Situate Public Schools. The day ended with a high as we were invited to a Home Football Game that Situate High School won. Our principal was invited to join their principal with the team during the match. Our very own Andrew Scannell ran out with the team carrying our Irish
Flag as all of the supporters were dressed in Irish colours to welcome us! We were very proud to be Irish.We met their mascot and were honoured to meet Mr. John Danehey from Scituate Town Comittee who founded it all. Thanks to Christine Walsh Scituate Committee member for accompanying us.

Day 5 Scituate, Boston Update! Another great day was had by all. We were taken to The Massachusetts’ State House on a yellow bus! We were given a guided tour of this magnificent building and met Mr. Patrick O’ Connor, State Senator. He gave an inspirational speech where he advised everyone to avoid conflict and  to learn from each other as a better way to generate good ideas. He told them Massachusetts was the first state to abolish slavery and he spoke about important people in History who had an important cause to believe in for change. They also saw an area specifically dedicated to the role of  women in politics who had to overcome significant obstacles due to their gender. In typical Boston style, we just had to stop Dunkin Donut for a coffee and doughnut, we are in America after all. Carrying our stereotypical cups of coffee, we were then given a walking tour of Boston that specifically incorporated a poignant famine memorial. If a picture paints a thousand words, this image we saw at the memorial did! Then it was off to Faneuil Hall where everyone had lunch in different places, for example Union Oyster House, barbecue ribs, bagels, pizza and pasta and there was another opportunity for shopping. Tks so much to Ms. Brenda O’ Connor who organised this special day, Ms. Patrice Maye, Ms. Carol Sullivan-Hanley, Ms. Gail Rowins for accompanying us.