
Dear 2020 Leaving Certificate Student

With your long awaited and much discussed results due on Monday next, we in Skibbereen Community School would like to wish you all the very best in receiving these results and in the weeks and years ahead.

We understand that this is always an anxious time for leaving cert students. It is a great disappointment to all of us in the school community that we cannot share this momentous day with you in the manner that we normally could.

However, we wish to reassure you that the support services of the school will be available to you on the day of the results and in the days leading up to CAO offers and beyond.

One to one meetings with a member of the school’s guidance team will be available to each student if they would like to avail of this. Unfortunately, in the current pandemic all such consultations will have to be by appointment only. It is of the utmost importance that students do not visit the school without an appointment or complying with public health advice.

Such appointments and consultations should be arranged with your designated Guidance Counsellor through TEAMS or e-mail in the first instance.

Detailed information on the process is available on the Department of Education website at the following link and in the document prepared by the school’s Guidance Team accompanying this letter.

Once again, we sincerely wish you all the very best in the years ahead and look forward to hearing about your future achievements and accomplishments.

Anton O Mahony


On behalf of the entire school community

Please click on the button below for Important Information for students and parents of the Leaving Certificate class of 2020.