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Instructions for first day of school

1. Things to Bring

· Notebook or copy to write on

· Pen to write with

· Lunch and drinks

2. Things Not to Bring

· School books or bags full of materials

3. Arrival

· Please wear mask

· Respect social distancing

· Enter the building through the PE Hall entrance

4. Parent Drop-offs

· Unfortunately and regrettably in the present circumstances parents have to remain in their cars and leave as soon as your child has left the car.

5. Travel Abroad Reminder

· Parents are reminded that students returning from a holiday abroad in a non-green list country should isolate for 14 days before returning to school.

Re-opening Schedule

Tuesday September 1st – 1st Year students – 9 – 11:30

Wednesday September 2nd – 5th & 6th year students - 9 – 12:00

Thursday September 3rd – 2nd & 3rd year students - 9 – 12:00

Friday September 4th – 1st & 4th year students - 9 – 12:00

Monday September 7th – all students - 9 – 3:50