• Skibbereen Community School (map)

This programme will provide students with a fantastic insight into life at Vodafone through themed days focusing on Technology, Business, Customer-Focused events, Vodafone Foundation’s charity work and much, much more!

We aim to take a maximum of 5 students per school. If any of your Transition Year students are interested in applying, please email Mr Uhl the following information:

Students Names:

Students Email Addresses:

Students Phone Numbers:

Areas of interest:

Name of school:

Preferred weeks for TY Work Experience: (our programme dates will be fixed; however, we will do our best to accommodate you in and around your preferred dates)  

Since this is a School organized event, the students will be required to follow the teachers’ instructions and Event organizers at all times and abide by the School’s Code of Behaviour.

You will be requested to inform us of any medical conditions in the online permission form below. If this is the case, please ensure that they have their necessary medication with them for the trip..

This is a free opportunity. You will be required to complete the permission form before you can compete the registration. Please complete the form and register before Friday the 29th of Sept