Pictured below are those that took part in the ‘Walk on Wednesday’ initiative this week.
Our aim is to try to cut down on car engine emissions and raise awareness of environmental issues.
The Green Schools Committee are currently collecting data on how many people drive or walk to school on Wednesdays.
Pictured below are TY students who cycled the 46KM Waterford Greenway today.
Many thanks to Ms. Orla O’Sullivan, Ms. Karen Sheane & Mr. Chris O’Brien for accompanying them on the trip.
Students are welcome to join us every Wednesday morning at 8.30AM at CostCutters to walk up the hill to school.
Our aim is to try to cut down on car engine emissions and raise awareness of environmental issues.
This is an initiative of the Green schools Committee and each student who walks with us receives a croissant/pastry on reaching the school.
Pictured below is last week’s ‘Walk on Wednesday’ group.
Well done to all our sailors who represented our school in the recent Musnter School Team Racing event held in the Royal Yacht Club, Crosshaven.
Our school was well represented with two teams attending the event.
Due to weather conditions the racing had to be abandoned. This resulted in a ‘Draw of Names’ for the selection of teams for the nationals. Each competing school was given an opportunity to enter, with only one team representation per school. Unfortunately, S.C.S. was not successful in this draw.
A huge thank you to all the parents and supporters who travelled to the event & assisted with boat rigging and de-rigging.
In the spirit of volunteerism, a huge thanks to the race officials and race organisers, without whom such events wouldn't get off the ground.
We look forward to growing this club within our school.
"Fair Winds and Following Seas"