Well done to all our students who competed for Skibbereen Rowing Club in the All -Ireland Rowing Championships last weekend in Farran, Cork. Well done to Daire, Christopher, Oisin and their cox Louise who won the Mens Junior 19’s.
Well done to Kate, Allie, Eabha and Aoife on winning the U14 Munster Football Championship against Kerry last weekend and to Diana and Katie on winning Gold in the Cork Community Games for the Javelin and Discus respectively. Both have now qualified for the All-Ireland Community Games in September. Well done to you all. You have done yourselves, your families, clubs and communities proud!
Dear Student , Parent/Guardian,
We look forward to welcoming you back and working with you for the upcoming academic year. We wish to bring the following important information to your attention before the year starts and we look forward to your support with these issues.
Year Group Return Dates
Monday 30th August- 1st Years only 9am to 11.30am
Tuesday 31st August - 4th Years only 9am to 12noon
Wednesday Sept 1st - 5th and 6th Years only 9am to 12noon
Thursday Sept 2nd - 2nd and 3rd Years only 9am to 1pm
Friday Sept 3rd - 1st and 4th Years only 9am to 3.50pm
Monday 6th September - All Students 9am to 3.50pm
The school uniform is an important symbol of our school. It was designed by students for students. It creates a sence of togetherness, the same way each team wears their jersey with pride. Students and their families are not under pressure to wear the latest branded clothing and the uniform develops an affinity with learning. The uniform consists of a purple crested jumper, white long sleeved shirt and black uniform pants/skirt. Shoes must be dark coloured and flat soled. A non compulsory water proof fleece lined jacket is available to purchase from the school in September and so is the PE Crested Sports Top which is compulsory for all junior students.
Administration Costs
Each student is required to pay the sum of 70Euro towards the annual cost of providing, 24 Hour Student Personal Accident Insurance, Microsoft Licencing Fee, classroom and inhouse examinations material, school journal and communications (texts, postage etc.) This money can be paid using our online payment system, “Easy Payments Plus” on the school website. Please contact the school office if you encounter any difficulties with this system.
The Book Lists for Senior Students are listed in the “Featured Info” of the school website. Junior Students are encouraged to avail of the Book Rental Scheme.
SCS Management.
The School Community wish to congratulate Paul O Donovan and Fintan McCarthy on their amazing achievement in winning Gold in the lightweight Men’s Double Sculls final at the Olympics today. Paul is a past pupil of St.Fachtna’s De La Salle, one of our founding schools and we are particularly proud of all his achievements. We wish to congratulate all the members of the Skibbereen Rowing Club, rowers and coaches on what is another historic day.
The School Community wish to congratulate Aoife Casey and Margaret Cremen on finishing second in the Lightweight Double Sculls B Final. Aoife is a recent past pupil of our school and we are immensely proud of her performance today in Toyko. We again wish to congratulate Skibbereen Rowing Club and all its members on what has been an epic week.
The School Community are so proud of Emily Hegarty, a past pupil who has just won a bronze medal in the Olympics. The rowing quartet of Emily Hegarty, Afric Keogh, Eimear Lambe and Fiona Murtagh won bronze this morning in Toyko. Emily is a native of Aughadown and is currently sudying Biological Sciences in UCC. The School wishes to congratulate Emily, her family, Mr. Dominic Casey, Coach and all involved in Skibbereen Rowing Club. This has been another momentous occasion for the Club. Well done everyone!
Foyin Aba, Tan Kazi Abrar, Sofea Anuar, Monika Balogh ,Niamh Bilkhu, Laragh Bradburn, Ayleashá Brosnan, Aoife Buckley, Ella Buckley,James Buckley Niall Buckley Daniel Burns Harry Bushe Ruby Byrne Molly Cahalane Eimear Carey Cian Collins James Collins Michaela Collins Ruairi Collins Sarah Connolly Darragh Conway Oisín Cooke Fionn Coombes Kate Coppinger Daniel Courtney Alannah Crowley Hannah Crowley Mark Crowley Connor Cuthbertson Leah Cuthbertson Ailbhe Dahm Aoife Louise Daly Mary-Elizabeth Deasy Siena De Marco Ferdia Dennis-McAleavy Katie Douglas Conan Joseph Farrell Grace Gallagher Nina GarnettLeah Geaney Jack Grace Claire Griffin Séamus Griffiths Simas Gurskis Anna-Sofie Haffner Ashleigh Hardy Kevin Harte Luca Harte Alex Hernadez-Blanco Cael Hill Dylan Hourihane Saoirse Huber Ellen Hurley Ólan Hurley Amy Jennings Mark Keating Beth KellyJack Kent Rory Kingston Nori Kluzniak-Madajczak Vladislavs Kravcenko Evita Kreicberga Tomasz Lechtanski Davin Limrick Molly Lomasney Ellen Marks Aisling McCarthy Cayetana McCarthy Ellie McCarthy Holly McCarthy Jack McCarthy Neil McCarthy Amy McKennedy Emily McMahon Rebecca McSweeney Ava Minihane Jemima Monteiro Dylan Murnane Keelin Murphy Louise Murran Liam Neil Murray Eimear Nora O'Brien Muireann O'Donnell Laura O'Donoghue Adam O'Donovan Áine O'Donovan Caitlyn O'Donovan Elaine O'Donovan Ellen O'Donovan Kitty O'Donovan Lara O'Donovan Sophia O'Donovan Amie O'Driscoll Amy O'Driscoll Brian O'Driscoll Cáelán O'Driscoll Ellie O'Driscoll Kevin O'Driscoll Lisa O'Driscoll Leah Jean O'Flynn Shane Patrick O'Grady Geraldine O'Leary Claire Ann O'Mahony Liam Tadgh O'Mahony Ali Marie O'Shea Daniel O'Shea Ailíse O'Sullivan Alaia O'Sullivan Charlotte O'Sullivan Emily O'Sullivan Lauren Kate O'Sullivan Dovydas Odingergas Seán Parson Naoise Quinn Elsie Rees Oran Roycroft Gemma Salter Dean SaundersTitas Sautdinovas Kayla Scully Luke Shorten Isabel Sweeney Lara Sweeney Joshua Taaffe Daisy Taylor Elians Uscins Liam Wainwright-Kingston Johnny Walsh Joshua William Joseph Younkin Michat Ziob
Many thanks to Ms. Majella Ni Charthaigh, Junior Cycle Co-ordinator, Ms. Karen Sheane, Year Head , Ms. Gretta Burchill, TY Coordinator, the office team of Ms. Mary Kelleher Fowler, Ms. Margerat Maloney and Ms. Ciara Walsh, the BAM staff and Mr. Chris O Brien for making the day possible.
Ms. Holly Cairns TD did a Live webinar with TY students from all over West Cork on Cork County Council’s Development Plan 2022-28.
We were delighted with our TY students who attended and contribute to this Futuristic event in the hope of influencing policy changes in the future.
Many thanks to;
Oliver Wojakowski, Timothy Farrell, Louise Keohane, Lilly Heaton Jones, Alex Stones, Richard Bushe,Chloe O' Mahony, Anna Collins, Grainne Connolly, Tomas O' Donnabhain, Aisling Collins, Saoirse Lucey, Niamh Connolly, Kyle O' Sullivan, Michaela Maguire, Katie Scannell, Donal O' Neill, Chloe Harte, Amy Harte, Rachel O' Brien, Kellie Pearce, Hugh O' Donovan, Shane O' Connell, Aine McCarthy, Joseph Bohane, Stuart Fuller, Ella Mae West, Saoirse Lucey and Natalie Dempsey
Mr. Anton O Mahony, Principal receives the Ocean Plastic Project Flag from Mr. Rory Jackson in recognition of the school’s Transition Year Team who have been documenting and cleaning up the plastic waste on our local coastline over the last number of years.. Also pictured is this year’s TY Beach Cleaning team and Ms. Gretta Burchill, TY coordinator.
Louise keohane, Lilly Heaton Jones, Richard Bushe, Chloe O' Mahony, Anna Collins, Grainne Connolly, Tomas O' Donnabhain, Aisling Collins, Saoirse Lucey, Niamh Connolly, Kyle O' Sullivan, Michaela Maguire, Katie Scannell, Donal O' Neill, Chloe Harte, Amy Harte, Rachel O' Brien, Kellie Pearce, Hugh O' Donovan, Shane O' Connell, Aine McCarthy, Joseph Bohane, Stuart Fuller, Ella Mae West, Saoirse Lucey, Natalie Dempsey.
This year’s group have also made a short video of their work with the help of Jack Marks, 5th Year and Mr. Jackson. A sincere thanks to the both of them.
More information on the work of Ocean Plastic Project can be found on the following website;
Opening Address: Mr. Anton O Mahony, Principal.
TY Co-ordinator / Master of Ceremonies: Ms. Gretta Burchill.
TY Year Head: Ms. Anne Weldon.
Opening Prayers: Aine McCarthy 4A, Lisa O Mahony 4B, Leah Fitzgerald 4C, Rachel Young 4D, Anna Collins 4E.
Presentation of Folders: Mr. Tom Foley Deputy Principal, Mr. Diarmuid O Donnabháin Deputy Principal, Ms. Anne Weldon Year Head, Mr. Cormac O Brien Careers Dept., Ms. Majella Ni Charthaigh Home Ec Dept.
Many thanks to all involved and a special thanks to Ms. Burchill and Ms. Mary Kelleher Fowler.
Anna Collins and Maya Humphries
Niamh Connolly and Alex Stones.
Conor Casey, Lachlan O Regan, Liam McCarthy, Lisa O Mahony, Naomi Evans, Rebecca Connolly and Mary Whooley.
Aoibhinn O Connell, Brian O Sullivan, Conor Tobin, Danny Lucey, Leah Fitzgerald, Liam McCarthy, Mya Humphries, Timothy Farrell.