Now that the Digital Drop-In concept has been tried and tested, Thursday 9 November was the first of the 4-in-a-row workshops for November, all on Thursday afternoons.

Participants were welcomed with tea, coffee and biscuits by Ellen and Rachel, who kindly helped us out with hot spotting our devices since the Wi-Fi network was a challenge, even with devices leaning against the window! It was quite an experience but armed with Cork County Council library cards everyone managed to progress with downloading and installing BorrowBox, and in a couple of cases, borrowing an ebook or audiobook. We are keeping our fingers crossed that next week we will be able to follow up with more knowledge sharing on this topic and in addition to BorrowBox we plan to include Libby, the library app for a world of magazines! Participants left the workshop armed with a notebook in which their mentors have started adding tips and tricks that they may refer to at home.

Tip of the workshop: If you’re not sure whether your smartphone data plan includes unlimited data,  have a look at a recent bill and it should tell you. If you don’t have unlimited data you may wish to avoid hot spotting to your smartphone since it could cost you money!

Many thanks to Mr Anton O’Mahony for the school’s participation and graciously hosting the workshops. Thanks also to Mr Conor Uhl and Ms Orla O’Sullivan for organising.