The first Digital Drop-In workshop took place on Thursday, 28th September with a total of 12 enthusiastic learners and mentors participating.

After tea, coffee and chat before the bell rang, the mentors arrived and set about supporting our learners with a variety of topics. Examples requested by the learners included setting up and sharing Spotify playlists, photos organisation and sharing, saving items to Pinterest. Tips and tricks were also shared such as securely creating a hotspot connection and how to remove apps no longer of interest. Another spot of troubleshooting regarding a learner’s use of a virtual learning environment (VLE) that resulted in mentors and facilitator agreeing that the course being accessed was not yet available. The mentors and learners then drafted and sent an email to the course provider with a screenshot to help rectify the matter. 

At the end of the hour all learners went away happy with the productive time spent with their mentors, and looking forward to the next Digital Drop-In workshop scheduled for Thursday, 12th October.

The informal workshop was facilitated by Dr Sandra Flynn, a recent graduate of the Ideas Academy programme from Social Entrepreneurs Ireland for the Digital Drop-In pilot project. Learnings by the mentors from the first workshop will be discussed in a group focus session on Thursday, 5th October with the facilitator.

Many thanks to Mr Anton O’Mahony for the school’s participation and graciously hosting the workshops. Thanks also to Mr Conor Uhl and Ms Orla O’Sullivan for organising.