The School Community would like to acknowledge the excellent performance by our Senior Boys Football team on Saturday in the Corn Uí Mhuirí Semi-Final in Mallow. You all did us proud!

Many thanks to the players, coaches ( Mr. David Whelton, Mr. Colman O Driscoll, Mr. James McCarthy, Mr. Paudie Crowley), team medic (Mr. Chris O Brien), sponsors, for all their efforts during the campaign.

Many thanks to all the staff, students and parents who travelled on the day, watched the game online or who sent on their good wishes.

Many thanks to the Home Ec., Woodwork Departments and those 5th year Students who made flags, signs and neck scarves for the travelling supporters .Thanks also to the Office Staff for the logistics. Thanks to everyone who made the day such a wonderful occasion.


See the Evening Echo live, Examiner and Southern Star for Match Reports