Many thanks to all students and staff for their support with last week’s Return to School Induction Programme based on the School’s Covid 19 Plan. All students return to school on Monday, Sept 7th at 8.50 am.

First and Second Year Students must enter the building through the Sports Hall entrances. First Years go straight to their base classrooms and Second Years should social distance in the Sports Hall.

Third Year Students should enter around the side of the sports hall and through the pitch side rear entrance of the canteen. They should social distance in the Canteen area.

TY Students should enter the building through the Practical Corridor Entrance at the rear of the school. They then make their way to the TY Social Area down the Science/ Art/ Home Ec Corridors.

Fifth Year Students should enter through the rear of the LRC section at the back of the school.They should then proceed up the stairs to their social area along the Business/ Staffroom Corridor.

Sixth Year Students should enter around the back of the building through the rear entrance of the Canteen. They should then proceed to their Social Area along the 6th Year Balcony and down along the Music/Irish/ English Corridor.

All students must wear a face mask on entry, sanitize their hands at the sanitizing stations and follow all instructions of the Door Supervisors.

Students are asked to bring a packed lunch and drinks each day until the Canteen re-opens on September 14th with a cashless, pre-order system. More details to follow. It is not possible for Senior Students to go down town for lunch at the moment due to infection controls.

We thank everyone for their support, patience and understanding as we endeavour to keep our school community safe.

Please click on the button below for the Wellbeing Powerpoint Presentation that was given to all students.

Please click on the button below for the Return to School Systems Protocols Powerpoint that was given to all students.