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  • Make sure your computer/device is fully charged and not about to apply updates. 

  • Find a quiet space to work. 

  • Turn off the wifi in other devices in the home if possible. 

  • Have a pen and paper to hand. 

  • Read exam instructions and each question carefully. 

  • Watch your time as many exams will shut you out after the exam deadline. 

  • Leave enough time to photograph your written answers and upload them if required. 

  • Double check and triple check your answers before clicking the submit button. You cannot resubmit! 

  • Photograph the questions or screen shot the questions if your device starts to freeze you out. If you cannot upload your answers, photograph them and email them to your teacher within an acceptable time of the exam finishing. 

  •  Do not leave the exam page during the assessment as you may lose all your work. 

  •  For 1st, 2nd and 3rd years, if reading the question is a challenge for you, click on the immersive reader icon beside each question and the question will be read to you. 

  •  Reading assistance is provided for some 5th year students via the Speech Synthesis icon. These students have been informed re this facility. 

  •  Contact your teacher immediately by email if you encounter a problem and send them a screen shot of the issue if you can. 

  •  Make sure you attempt all questions independently. We advise that you do not refer to your notes during the course of the examination.   

  • Best of luck!