Yesterday 17 students from TY along with our chaplain Ms. Rosie O’Brien, travelled to the Dunmanway Day Unit in CUH to meet the nurses involved and to deliver Chemo Care Pouches and Goodie bags to outpatients there.

This has been an ongoing project under the leadership of local business woman Elaine Doolin. The pouches themselves were made up of goodies that we hoped may brighten up someone's day and offer some comfort.

Each one was packed with care by the 4A group in SCS and over 60 pouches were presented, through sponsorship and donations from local businesses.

Such a worthy cause that we hope can offer some comfort to those receiving treatment in the Dunmanway Day Unit. 

A massive thank you to Elaine Doolin of Stella & Dot stylist for allowing us to get involved in her vision and also a massive thank you to Damien Long of Long's coaches for sponsoring the bus up to Cork for the students.

And finally to our 4A group- well done!